
Get in Touch

PO Box 508
Toormina NSW 2452

Phone: 0400 955 980

Copyright © Crystal Australia Investments Pty Ltd
Crystal Australia Investments Pty Ltd is a Corporate Authorised Representative (No. 409349) of Capstone Financial Planning Pty Ltd. ABN 24 093 733 969.
Australian Financial Services Licence No. 223135.


Life insurance, Disability and Trauma Cover, Income Protection.....



Crystal holds relationships with a number of insurance underwriters. It is interesting to note that insurance premiums have reduced substantially in recent years as life expectancy has increased, and medical treatments have advanced. If you have not reviewed your personal insurances in recent years we can almost guarantee that you will be able to reduce the costs of your cover. As well, and importantly, we find many clients are paying -for personal cover in their own name, using after tax dollars, where they could be holding cover in their super funds, where premiums are effectively tax deductible as superannuation contributions. It may help to check before paying your next premium.


  • How well will your partner/family cope in the event of your premature death or disability?
  • Would it help if personal insurances were in place to cover mortgages?

We will conduct a risk management review without cost or obligation.